My dear mom goes "home" at 104

Mom's 98th Birthday
      On February 10, 2012 my life changed forever.  My mom, our mom, grandma, great grandma left us and went to her heavenly home.  
      Although I am happy for her that she is once again healthy and well and endlessly happy, I am sorry for me.   There are many things that were hard about her later years and health challenges that I don't miss, but oh, I do miss her.  
     She was kind always, always cheerful, always an encourager.   She was thankful, and lived counting her "many blessings."  She prayed for her family by name every day.  
     To anyone else there would have been countless things in her life worthy of complaint, but mom didn't.  Complaining was as far away from her thoughts as joy is from sorrow.  
     My mom left me, left all who had the privilege of knowing her, a great, and powerful legacy.  
     Thank you forever my dear momma.   

     Below there are three art pieces.  The first is a portrait of did of my mom, praying for her family.  I caught her doing it one afternoon with a white fleece blanket around her to keep her warm while she watched great grandchildren hunt for Easter eggs.  The sun was streaming in the front porch and touching her softly as she prayed.  I call this portrait, "The Blessing." 
      My mom was an amazing artist although she became a nurse and didn't continue with her artistic talent professionally.  The last two images are ones she did while attending the famous Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts when she was in her early 20's. 

Painting of mom, "The Blessing" done by myself, Ann Cory
Mom's art done at Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art
Another art piece done by mom while a student in art school

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 Ann CoryCamano Island, WA360.387.7304